Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Last Name

It could be one of the most ordinary letters
That Dominic Motiano received
But it was not
It was remarkable for its beautiful handwriting
A letter from Jennifer Bricker

That letter changed her world
And her whole world came to a standstill.
The Photographs and the related details shocked her
She too had a sister miles and miles far waiting for her
A beautiful girl who had no legs.

And her letter goes like this,
‘Do not throw this letter before reading
Because it’s my life that I had preserved in it
Do not consider it as a mere art of madness
Or in frenzy did I prepare it’.
‘I have these photographs and these details which thus prove
That we were born to the same parents’.
‘And I am really happy that I could
Find out a sister for me in this world.

Dominic Motiano*  closely examined the photographs again.
She too felt the resemblances in Jennifer Bricker.
And like ever she too set out to find out the truth.

After the excitement of finding out a big truth
She was calm and composed to see her parents.
And she was not in good terms until then
As she was constantly pressured by them for success
She was that famous as the stars that ruled then.
And it was really hard for Dominic Motiano to execute it.

She prepared her mind to meet her mother
She asked with a trembling voice
“Why did you abandon my little sister?”
Her mother wiped her tears and said
It was on the eve of her sixth birthday
That a cute angel was born
But her father had taken the newborn away from her
And that mother lived painfully for her till now.
She was born without legs and
They were afraid to raise the expense of the girl
And so they  gave her to a childless couple
Jerald and Sharon Bricker who adopted her
But it turned out to be a sigh before a storm.

Jennifer became interested in Gymnastics
And soon she identified herself with Dominic Motiano
What an accidental coincidence
Sometime Life too unfolded in a very strange way
Which could be comprehended not too easily.

Jennifer too finally realized the truth that she was an adopted girl.
And it grew in leaps and bounds that
She finally asked her stepmother that day
Just to know out of her curiosity 
“Who are my real father and mother?”
Sharon, the step mother revealed the truth.

Your real family name is “Motiano”
And I found it very lately in 1996
I unraveled Dominic Motiano
But it was a return to my Memory lane
And I found out the last name of Jennifer too was “Motiano.”

Jennifer was at the top of the world
The one whom she had admired of was actually her blood
Excited as well as anxious, as she in the midst of truth
Will my sister accept me?
How will I approach her?
It was after four years that Jennifer composed a letter for her sister.
And within two weeks she got a reply
In a Christmas card-You are going to become an Aunty.
Jennifer realised that her sister accepted her.

Dominic Motiano was happy
Because she gave birth to her baby and she got her sister back.
Finally the most awaited time arrived
Jennifer came to meet her sister in the hospital.

Speechless moments it were.
Dominic Motiano embraced her sister then

Soon Jennifer met her real mother and she asked
Have you ever thought of me?
Did you touch me when I was born to you?
Why did you separate me from you?
Did you wipe out your motherly instincts from you?
How could ever a Mother do it?
How could you leave me like anything?
Have you ever thought my fate would be like?

But Jennifer could not meet her Father as she longed.
She met her father at his tomb with tears.

What was lost in twenty years, were regained within moments.
And they proved that
‘A big loss could not alter the worth of a real relationship’.
And what is in a name?
There is a lot in a name….

  18/10/2015                                                                               Navaneetha.G

Domonic Motiano*- The famous Olympian (Gymnastics)
Jennifer Motiano her younger sister was born without legs and was abandoned by her parents.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

When Memories Weep…..

Francisca* clasped Abdul * Raheem’s hands in tears
A silence veiled the scene
She kissed his hands knowing that
It was her beloved’s, once
Who gave her a new life.
It became somebody else’s now
But she was happy that her
Beloved’s hands are still alive.

An accident resulted in the brain death of Joseph
Who was like many of us
 A common man who dreamt
About his family and his daughter.

His hands were donated to an Afghan soldier
who had lostboth his hands in an Army encounter.
As part of Organ donation- It was an initiative
By Amritha Institute of medical sciences
Another significant chapter in the history of India.

It was one of those solemn occasions which
One would witness in a lifetime.
And his daughter was all in a state of unspeakable joy or grief
She took that hands to  her forehead for blessing
They finally bid farewell to the whole scene
And her mind goes like this….

“We will really miss you father
But You are not with us anymore
You reside among stars, far beyond our reach
But I know, You are watching and blessing us from Heaven

His hands were not as every ones.
He had magical hands, which turned out
To perform miracles for me.
He fed us love
In fact he was our breath and soul.
But much more for me as a daughter
Those hands that consoled me when I was troubled.

He was my strength
He inspired me to strive more for perfection
Indeed in everything
He stirred me to move on in life
In spite of what happens on our way.
Unlike mother, he had an unusual patience on me
So I loved him more than my mother.”

We all have hands, but how many of us make use of them?
We could not, in the wildest of the dreams,
Dare to think of giving our hands to someone.
Do we?
We can even transcend by sharing our organs
So let us be the change that we foresee.

*Fransisca – Joseph’s wife and Aleesha, their daughter
Abdul Raheem – An Afghan Army Captain
