Thursday, November 28, 2019

While I was returning home in a bus, I came across a transgender in a shirt and mundu and a shawl wrapped around the neck, came near the seat of a couple, and pointed towards the label of "Differently abled" and asked one of them "Can't you see " Differently abled" ?, it means transgender" and the man stood up and gave the seat to this person.
I have mixed feelings, to be honest I am afraid of these people. And the fact that why should they consider them as "differently abled, it is yet another different thing altogether.
We should have a positive attitude and should accept the fact that they also need a space in this world .
It is heard that these people are really fighting to live a life that we all are living right now.
We should celebrate the diversity despite the differences that we all have.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Was it in your smile
I do not know
I see you
Each time I fall
And I feel
That I never had fell so hard
For any one
Until I met you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Today the Second phase of our teaching practise will begin..All excited for the this phase with hopes and excitement..