Saturday, November 17, 2018

She was just an ordinary girl who was lost in her dreams of doing something great for the humanity. But she made her dreams live beyond the borders. But she was unstoppable, she is a woman who had touched the lives of many.She is none other than Mother Theresa who had indeed been a gem of a person.Its unbelievable that a woman with such zeal had lived on this earth.

Our earth lacks humanity,Our world is in need of people who are rich by heart.Be Selfless

Image result for mother teresa

Monday, November 12, 2018

       Old Age,  A Curse?

Deep in thoughts, she huddled
Beside the verandah secluded from everyone.
An old decrepit woman of indeterminate age 
 Amid the four walls of her home.
 Faded colours of her room created coldness.

In family ties of love and loyalty,
She was the heart of her dearest ones.
The mango tree in the orchard
Shed its leaves heralding another season.
Her tiny tots played under the mango tree
Amusing in fun and frolic.

Blooming roses evoked
Memories rapt in her beloved.
Drooping lilacs in one corner,
Represented her dwindling life.

She did not know
The mystery of the winding stairs,
But she fostered her generations
For the madding days yet to come in life.

Unlike every woman,
She shed her sweat and blood
For her loved ones.
Endings of her joyful days were
Really beginnings in disguise.
At last, she is all alone…
Is it an old story often told or heard?


A Question
Memories still fresh,
Good old days that will never come back
And neverthless a question:
Who has the time
To stand and stare?

A Pause
Longed for memories
Still refreshing,
Thoughts intruding the mind
Moments aghast!
Oft lost times,
Oft lost tales,
Oft lost tunes!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Related imageImage result for meera sreenarayananImage result for meera sreenarayanan
An Epic Love Story

The rarest of tales ever born
Between two hearts
The souls mused the same tune of love
Their love was at just a drizzle that showered
But there were no moments that
It transformed to the rain of love.                   

Is it heavenly to fall in love?
They fell in love likely as every other
But their true love never did run smooth.

But to be eternally in a wedlock still
Is a matter of promise and companionship.
Their love transcended boundaries.

How could they share so much love in a lifetime?
Even they could not see each other for a long time.

What was the exception about their love story?
It is her sacrifice that had made their love ethereal
Did their love turn itself as tears?

When new generation found their love in instant messages
And trusted in relationships that never lasted long
They created history in ink
To live in this moment of love that they shared
Would everyone envy because of their love?
Their true love is so impeccable that
Separation just adds more power to it.

Kanchana and Moideen gave a new meaning to love
They discovered it through their emotions
They created a new language for them
Which they could only understand.

Many loved and died in the name of love
But their love story  is indeed about
An extreme and extraordinary celebration of
A woman who has sacrificed and suffered for love.

Nobody have ever truly loved like them
They discovered it as an experience.
They have loved and found eternity.
They discovered a universe hidden in one word -Love
Are they Gods disguised as Humans?

24-02-2016                                                                       Navaneetha.G 

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Optional English
Christ Nagar College of Teacher Education
The development of gender awareness is essential for sense of self and to conform into a contributing member of society. A teacher is the person who shapes the future of everyone by providing best education to her/his students. Teacher plays a great role in the education of every student. The  destiny of India is now being shaped in the classrooms.
Gender identity can be seen as one of the earliest social categories that children learn more about themselves and others.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said  “To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awaken; once she is on the move, the family moves, the village  moves and the nation moves”.
Education empowers women more effectively which would help to abolish gender inequality, develop their potentials, increase social and economic return and improve the quality of life. The role of a teacher is really vital and he/she performs different roles and  those words that we attach to them as reflective practictioner, facilitator friend philosopher and guide   becomes much more meaningful as we analyse that  they serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in the life
. A teacher is an ideal role model who inculcates noble thoughts and messages in students and equip students to face life with confidence. They are a group of people whom we  all look with much respect and  they perform a  wonderful activity where teaching is  also an art which involves the process of interaction of mind with mind.
Teachers have a great role in transforming the society and we all know school or college is a miniature form of a society where we can seek to develop our society  by inculcating moral values to our students and make them better individuals.
My thesis focus mainly on the role of a teacher in gender sensitization.  A good teacher is a teacher and I found that teacher is a social agent of change who can bring transformation right from the grass root level itself. Ultimate objective is  gender equity, and as future teachers we should  make our girls and boys realize that their gender difference does not alter anything, the ultimate perception of reality is same for all.
Teachers can bring a positive impact in the  process of national development of our country thereby contributing  a significant  contribution from their part. A Teacher is a guiding light and he/she create radiance in his/her  students and making their life more colourful and meaningful.
Teacher plays a great role in the education of every student. A good teacher has many qualities and fully able to make his/her students successful in life. A teacher is very intelligent and know well that how to draw attention of students towards study.
He / She uses creativity while teaching students so that students may concentrate. Teacher is a good conductor of knowledge having lots of patience and coincidence who take responsibility of the future of students.
The teacher’s profession is considered as the best and ideal profession in this world as they provide selfless duty to shape someone’s life. Their committed work cannot be compared to anything.
        Sex is defined as the biological differences between men and women whereas gender is the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.
Gender issues are prevailing in society in all areas of life. To minimize these gender issues we need to start changing the mindsets of the younger generation of society as they are those who can bring about further change in society, with their innovative ideas, thoughts and practices. A more thoughtful approach has to be taken in this specific issue
To do this we need good educated teachers who have a sound knowledge regarding gender issues. It has been observed that teachers reinforce gender roles also in the different expectations that they have for boys and girls in their classes.
“Teachers may also create learning environment in which boys are encouraged to succeed while girls are allowed to fail. In extreme cases “What’s more, many teachers may be completely unaware that they treat girls and boys differently”. But none of these habits, when they occur, should be surprising. We all grow up among the influence of our family and cultures, and as teachers, we may see ourselves, rightly, in the role of instilling cultural values in the children in our classes. Great teacher inspire his /her students and gives direction and meaning to the educational purpose thereby making it a multifaceted purpose.
Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to which anyone can be benefited for whole life. They serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in the life. They are the God gifted people in everyone’s life who lead us towards success without any selfishness.
Teachers play a very important part in the early upbringing of the child and their ideas and beliefs can change the thought patterns of young students.
A teacher must therefore constantly be aware of the fact that his or her actions, attitude, behaviour, perspective, approach, manner, outlook/mind-set will help to shape a child’s gender role.
He / she may use multiple strategies and interventions to ensure that students have equal opportunities to both create and obtain their goals. Studies have shown gender differences to have a direct relationship to preferential treatment, classroom dynamics and academic success. Teachers are required to be serious about the gender issue. For the teachers to bring about a change in the society they should be given pre hand knowledge over the issue. Teachers need not only gender sensitive curricula and textbooks but also gender equality education. Teachers can serve as role models for the students.
Teachers can make a significant contribution to this since they are the change agents of the society, where they can bring change even from the grass root levels. Teachers who have vision will definitely change the future citizens. The ultimate objective is not to discriminate between a girl and a boy.
A Gender-equitable Approach to Schooling:
Gender equity can be associated with a superficial focus on girls’ education to the exclusion of boys. There is a need to go beyond simple access issues and ensure a comprehensive understanding of gender. Both of them should be made aware about their strength and weakness and create in them  confidence to explore the world. And widen the access to education for girls and ensure that they get the right kind of education at their age which will equip them to become better individuals.
Making Teaching and the Curriculum Gender Equitable:
There is a great deal of work being done at national and international levels to influence curriculum change to include gender equality, and to make governments accountable. In schools and colleges, the curriculum is usually full, which means it is not easy to integrate a gender equity perspective in the design, content and teaching approaches of the many subjects that teachers may have to cope with.
Moreover, curricula are often developed by experts and owned’ by the state, so it is difficult to lobby for change where this might be seen to challenge governmental control.
The curriculum should be re oriented in order  to suit the growing concerns of gender equality.
 Educating the Teachers:
Types of gender training courses should be provided to the teachers so that they are made aware of this alarming situation
Teachers as Curriculum Leaders Who Promote Gender Equity as a Democratic Ideal:
Teachers are expected to act as a catalytic force for social changes inspiring and prompting pupils to act for social causes. The teacher should be  an exemplary model of  ideal behaviour which may be emulated by the students. Teachers are expected to play  their role in the reconstruction of society by reinstating the eroded roles.
Teachers can bring a positive impact in the process  of national development of our country thereby  contributing  a significant  contribution from their part as well.
Teachers can create awareness among the students,  be it boys or girls. It is our duty and responsibility to create it among our students and as teachers we can observe them and study them and effectively we can make them better individuals of the society.
        Creating awareness among the students can make them differentiate a good touch and touch.
(A)        We can conduct campaigns in schools  and colleges   can be considered as  a first step  as part of our awareness programmes.
(B)        Interactive sessions with experts  can be conducted in the schools, colleges and public spheres .
(C)  Theatrical performances can be organised  which will
 definitely create a lasting impression in the mind of the children.
(D) Seminars can be conducted in schools and colleges to
      make them realize about the importance of the issue.
(E) Collages and posters can be prepared in relation to this and can make the students have a better idea related to this.
Education plays its role for social change in the following   
Education as a tool for social change: Education is an all encompassing process in which children can attain all round development of the personality.
Education initiates social changes and gives a direction and purpose and spread of knowledge is the main cause of social change. Education serves the function of distributing knowledge thereby facilitating social change.
Educating boys and girls will develop a critical awareness needed for desirable social change and thereby we can create effective progress in the process of development.
Teacher as a Change Agent and Nation Builder:
Teachers as change agents of change play their role in socializing the children. Like good gardeners who cut and prune the plant  to make them fit and grow in the garden, good teacher guide, mould and shape them to live happily, usefully and peacefully in the civilized society.
Teachers are the real guide of the students. With their deep knowledge of the subject and teaching technique they can impart valuable information to the students and help them reflect and change the information to knowledge and grow wise. Addison has said, “What sculpture is to block of marble is education to a human soul”. A good teacher is a good social engineer.
 “The world of tomorrow will be born from the schools of today says M.L.Jacks. In this way, teachers are the true nation builders. Teaches inspire us, guide us and motivate us to inspire and scale heights in life.
“If you educate a boy you educate an individual. If you educate a girl you educate a whole family”. Education is the surest means of emancipation is not available to large masses of women in our country.
Change in the mindset is a very positive and effective transformation that as teachers we make in the society.
We must make students and the community at large and make sure that there is equal opportunities for all and no discrimination.
The role of teachers is really important in the society where it is our duty to foster generations to live in the right and meaningful way. Its utter foolish to think that we are women and that   we cannot be as equal as men, but it is wonderful to see that in the present world  women are in par with men and they have surpassed all fields along with men.
Girls and boys must be taught about the importance of creation and that be it a boy or girl, they should be made known that both of them are precious and should  thank the gift of life.
Teachers are essentially guiding light who make significant changes in the society meaningfully with good ideas and thoughts. Teachers influence their students and create a very lasting impression in the mind of the students with their messages and it’s really important and high time that we make our students aware that gender is not at all a criterion to anything. Educating the teachers about the teachers about the need and importance of this issue is a very important one too as far this issue is now becoming the need of the hour.
To conclude it can be said that a great effort is required to provide womenfolk with necessary psychological security, nurturing, support guidance and counselling to enable them to understand themselves in more realistic and progressive terms.
A teacher moulds and shapes the character and personality of the children so that they may fulfill the need of useful members of the society so a good teacher is a Change agent. Indeed teaching is a divine profession and teachers are doing a wonderful job which none can do transforming nation and equipping students to face life with confidence.
 “When someone asks why some one would ever become a Teacher, remind them why it is worth it. Every job has its ups and downs, but not every job can change a life”.

Works cited:
1. Edutracks, Eduacational journal,July 2018 issue
2. Education and women’s empowerment Association    of Indian Universities,New Delhi,1991