Monday, November 12, 2018

       Old Age,  A Curse?

Deep in thoughts, she huddled
Beside the verandah secluded from everyone.
An old decrepit woman of indeterminate age 
 Amid the four walls of her home.
 Faded colours of her room created coldness.

In family ties of love and loyalty,
She was the heart of her dearest ones.
The mango tree in the orchard
Shed its leaves heralding another season.
Her tiny tots played under the mango tree
Amusing in fun and frolic.

Blooming roses evoked
Memories rapt in her beloved.
Drooping lilacs in one corner,
Represented her dwindling life.

She did not know
The mystery of the winding stairs,
But she fostered her generations
For the madding days yet to come in life.

Unlike every woman,
She shed her sweat and blood
For her loved ones.
Endings of her joyful days were
Really beginnings in disguise.
At last, she is all alone…
Is it an old story often told or heard?


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