Sunday, December 30, 2018

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With my dear Nativity play  team..Lucky to be part of this...We made it

At the Tea shop

As the eve settled down,
We went our way as routine.
The weary walk
Made us long for tea.
We entered  a shop
To have  tea.

 My mother and I together sat,
And the hot tea
Came to quench our thirst
My mind moved away
Far from the tea shop.

I could observe
The dire glance of a trimmed black.
The view made me realize
I was gripped by wear.

My mother sure  that
I was pained by it.
Finished the tea in a gulp
And we set out.

The world has changed
And the women are secure.
Yet are followed by
Dreadful eyes.
In a while, I was provoked and
Decided to be cautious forever.




Concealing emotions,
She walked away
From the stage for a reason
Her words were like gems
As she uttered each word
She created symphonies
Stories of the past
Heard and told.
Who really knew her?
Was she* one of my heroines
I dreamt of?

23-4-16                                                                                                                                              Navaneetha.G

* Vasuki IAS

Friday, December 28, 2018

My first poetry collection  "My Soul Sings" as part of  the NBT BOOK 2015 ..years back but still refreshed.  ..A Proud Moment to share

Thursday, December 27, 2018

As this year is coming  to an end, I would like to spot some of the best things that happened to me

I got UGC NET IN English which was a dream come true for me,It was on 31st JULY,
I joined for B..ED in ENGLISH at Christ Nagar college again a milestone in my life,and I created a Blog named  "Navaneetham" which was part of B.ED Curriculum and I owe the whole credits to Reverent Fr.Sony  who had helped me create such a one.Indeed Life is so beautiful and I feel blessed and overwhelmed to have these joys in my life.My parents who are my strength , they encouraged me to chase my passion for literature.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Education as a word itself is a very significant one in everyone's life,It defines us what we are and what is meant to be.

Education gives us direction and sense of purpose in life,Life becomes more meaningful and significant by the time we are educated,Its a powerful tool with which we can change our destiny and others too...It stregthens usImage result for education quotess and fulfills  and gives much more predictable idea of other people as well. Education is a tool to curb social evils and it creates social changes and makes desirable changes in the sociey.
We  are in need of people with right of attitude and only those can make transformations in the society..
Indeed the Younger generation are more technology friendly and we use most of the technological innovations today.But there has to a second thought related to this  since every aspect of technology makes us things much more easier and but sophisticated ..

We are actually lucky to have been born in a  generation were we can get access to every new techonolgical innovations.But its high time to think that are using it for creative or a  destructive purpose?

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace.Image result for education quotes

The Importance of Building Self-confidence

Everyone knows that self-confidence is very important but what is not known to everyone is the degree of its importance. Self-confidence is more important than you can imagine.
Self confidence can change your whole life to the better while lack of confidence will definitely have a negative effect on your social relations, career, achievements and even your mood. The following list will give you a better idea of the importance of self-confidence:
  • The more confident you are the less disappointed you will feel upon being rejected. whether it was a rejection letter, relationship rejection or personal rejection. What makes many people feel down when they get rejected is their own lack of confidence in their abilities and not the rejection itself.
  • The more self-confident you become the more risks you will be willing to take and so the more opportunities you will encounter
  • The more confidence you have the less will criticism affect you. Instead of feeling bad when being criticized you will just ignore it and laugh
  • The more Self-confidence you have the less anxious you will be. One of the major reasons for experiencing anxiety is that we doubt our ability to handle a situation. If we were confident that we can handle it correctly we wouldn’t have felt anxious.
  • When being lonely you won't feel that bad compared to someone who is not confident. Confident people have a better power of solitude which is the ability to feel good even when you are alone.
  • If you are a confident person, you will feel that you are worthy, regardless of your social or economic status. Even if you currently don't have someone who loves you or even if you aren't rich you will still feel adequate.
  • People will love you: people love confident ones and look up to them. By being self-confident you will be a role model for many other people.
  • One of the fundamental factors that can help in developing depression is a low self esteem. In my book, The ultimate guide to getting over depression i explained how lack of self confidence can be one of the main factors that triggers depression. This doesn't mean that depression affects people who lack self confidence but it means that building self confidence will make you less likely to get depressed.
  • The less confident you are the easier you will experience jealousy.
  • The more confident you are the less likely you will feel insecure about a relationship or about your job.
  • The more confident you become the more convincing you will become and the more likely you will win debates

Monday, December 17, 2018


The sun  arose from the horizon,
The rays had wiped out the dark.
Each dew drop fell on the leaf.
The bright sky on which
I embroider my dreams.
The vivid dark woods made me hopeful.
The melodic time of joy by the birds.

The moments of silence
Intruded into my retreat.
The dawn that cherished hope
Wiped out the sorrow.
The breeze that moved my little hair;
The blazing dew drops
That captured my thoughts.

The chitter chatter that awakened me.
My mind wandered for
An imagined miracle.
Dawning evoked
A thought about dusk.
An hour of daylight is
Prettier than the nightfall.
I wished and wished
For a bright sunrise.

The bright rays of the sun
Peeped into my window.
The new day which gave
Hope to regain the lost.
Time to plan the daylight
“My heart raised a prayer
To the Almighty to lead me on”.

The Praying Hands

The moonlit night and the faded bougainvillea
The grand old trees recounted
The glorious annals of Holy Angels’ convent.

The praying hands consoled
When times were tiring.
They  implore to the Almighty in a peculiar language.
Serene Hands heeled the earth from birth.
It was their determination
That thrived each to hurdle to cradle.

They loved all and served all
With their angelic touch
As the time passed,
They moulded the best citizens of the sphere.
They kindle the humanity, with amity.

They sanctify the minds,
With soothing words.
Indeed life was a memorable one
In my alma mater.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

When mind is full,you run short of words
But still I wanted to write something
That would suffice my desire

My desire had consumed me now
And I  thought of defeating it  with random words.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Now I feel perfectly happy,
Nothing worries me.
I am perfectly at peace with myself.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

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Image result for good morning images
Recently as part of B.ED curriculum,we visited an old age home called Kripatheeram.It was my first experience to visit such a place.I felt that this situation doesn't happen to anybody else.We met some grandmothers who had been abandoned by their loved ones. It was such an experience which is beyond words.They had entertained us with their songs and few danced too.There was also a young girl among them who also had been left by her relatives.
Life is indeed a puzzle to some and some make it so.
Finally it was time to bid farewell, and there was a grandmother who had bid us goodbye with her dance moves..
It was a life changing day to me..
Creativity is the innermost expression which produces meaningful work of art.Art is integral to life,People who finds solace in art live a colourful life,but what about the rest ?.They just live their way.So do you just want to live rather a dull life or a  bright one.?.The choice is yours ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€

Monday, December 3, 2018


When I discovered
My mother too gifted with poetry
That was the most beautiful moment
For me ever
I was really out of the world.

I always wondered
How I could jot verse
Rather stupid ones
Or sometimes meaningful ones.

My mother used to find
An unusual pleasure
In reading my verses
She blushes most of the time
Which I could not find
Ever in any other face
Truly, I am blessed and proud
To be her daughter.

It has been years
That I wondered my mother’s pastimes
Now I found out
It is her treasure
That I inherited.
