Sunday, December 22, 2019

When Memories Weep…..

Francisca* clasped Abdul * Raheem’s hands in tears
A silence veiled the scene
She kissed his hands knowing that
It was her beloved’s, once
Who gave her a new life.
It became somebody else’s now
But she was happy that her
Beloved’s hands are still alive.

An accident resulted in the brain death of Joseph
Who was like many of us
 A common man who dreamt
About his family and his daughter.

His hands were donated to an Afghan soldier
who had lostboth his hands in an Army encounter.
As part of Organ donation- It was an initiative
By Amritha Institute of medical sciences
Another significant chapter in the history of India.

It was one of those solemn occasions which
One would witness in a lifetime.
And his daughter was all in a state of unspeakable joy or grief
She took that hands to  her forehead for blessing
They finally bid farewell to the whole scene
And her mind goes like this….

“We will really miss you father
But You are not with us anymore
You reside among stars, far beyond our reach
But I know, You are watching and blessing us from Heaven

His hands were not as every ones.
He had magical hands, which turned out
To perform miracles for me.
He fed us love
In fact he was our breath and soul.
But much more for me as a daughter
Those hands that consoled me when I was troubled.

He was my strength
He inspired me to strive more for perfection
Indeed in everything
He stirred me to move on in life
In spite of what happens on our way.
Unlike mother, he had an unusual patience on me
So I loved him more than my mother.”

We all have hands, but how many of us make use of it?
We could not, in the wildest of the dreams,
Dare to think of giving our hands to someone.
Do we?
We can even transcend by sharing our organs
So let us be the change that we foresee.

*Fransisca – Joseph’s wife and Aleesha their daughter
Abdul Raheem – An Afghan Army Captain

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