Saturday, March 30, 2019

Yesterday I met two different people, one was a small boy barely five years old. I met him at the railway station, when I saw him I felt something special and curious about this boy. I smiled at him, and he returned it with a smile and by waving his hand. Soon he came near me and I realized that he could not speak like normal kids. But he was very active and had very rare kind of energy in him unlike his peers.
But I felt him to be really unique and special to me.
"He was even louder than his words".
Even words would fail for what he is".
I wish him happiness and success from the bottom of my heart.
He is too young for this world.
Now the second person I met was a foreign lady Phalere from UK, in the train. She almost looked like Virginia Woolf, and we talked and I gave her my second poetry collection and she was astonished to find a young girl like me who had published poems. It was a great experience with her. She told that my poems had great subject matter and she was amazed to find me literally in the world of literature.
Finally she bid me farewell and got down at Varkala Station..
Now life has really been exciting meeting people like that small innocent boy to Phalare.
But indeed I am lucky enough to meet them and yesterday was not an ordinary day for me.
I now really feel lucky and blessed enough for this wonderful life..

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